The on-site intervention of ALUNA, for organizations offering programming for people with special educational needs, allows us to serve a greater number of users at a much lower cost. This program is an important alternative, not only for serving a broader spectrum of the population – that for multiple reasons lacks access to customized care available in specialized centers, but also serves as a preventative program to reduce disabilities and the need of psychosocial care for vulnerable populations.

Recognizing that the institutionalization of children in developing countries represent a high cost, ALUNA directly services low income communities through its community programs.

Policarpa Satellite
Thanks to ALUNA Foundation’s partnership with the company SYNGENTA, we are extending services to the neighborhood of Policarpa Salavarrieta, caring for 68 children with special education needs, ranging in age from newborns to 13 years old.

We offer a training program for pregnant mothers about strategies for early infancy care, lactation, vaccination chart, as a form of disability prevention. We assist and train parents with newborns and children 2 years of age in programs of behavior prevention and good behavior promotion. We provide academic reinforcement for children with the objective of integration or reintegration into the traditional educational system and training and assistance for their parents and public school teachers. To this end, ALUNA works intimately with area schools.

The ALUNA Mobil program provides in-home care offering ALUNA specialists in special education, psychology, and social work to assist children below the age of seven with, or at risk of developing, disabilities who live in impoverished neighborhoods and for whom their condition of poverty makes it impossible to visit care centers. ALUNA professionals go out with their teams to previously identified neighborhoods to care for minors and empower their families.

With a philosophy of having fun ALUNA specialists evaluate the development of the child, establish therapeutic and educational objectives, and with the same methodology of playing, stimulate continuing child development. Behind every activity, behind every game, there exists one or several specific therapeutic pedagogical objectives. Playing, as a work philosophy, facilitates the accomplishment of established objectives, creates a positive environment for communication with the children and strengthens effective family bonding.

Fundacion ALUNA
Barrio República de Chile; Diagonal 26 N° 47 - 49 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Phones. (+57 5) 674 6444 o 674 2470 - Contact Us