Investigation in educational and therapeutic topics.

The desire to develop investigation processes is a goal that ALUNA has carried since its inception.Through the development of educational intervention alternatives, ALUNA has made important advances in the lives of each one of our members. Motivated by the need to evaluate this experience and share the “lessons learned” of the challenges in working with cognitive disabilities, ALUNA’S team presented an investigation project to COLCIENCIAS (State Office for Investigation). This project, initiated in 2003 and known as “A pedagogical focus from a special education perspective, facilitating comprehensive care and social integration for the cognitive and multiple-disabled population through local clinics” was endorsed by Colciencias and it opened the door for the creation of ALUNA’s own Investigation Department.

Fundacion ALUNA
Barrio República de Chile; Diagonal 26 N° 47 - 49 Cartagena de Indias, Colombia
Phones. (+57 5) 674 6444 o 674 2470 - Contact Us